My Journey...and the saga continues

Hello everyone!
My name is Neena J. 
...And this is my hair Journey.

I first decided to go natural January 2008.  I transitioned for 6 months and did the BC!  I went into SHELL SHOCK! and I got it relaxed the same day.  I know, I know!  I just wasn't mentally prepared for the change and the new all natural me wasn't it.  
Then later that year I went to visit my bestie, who has been natural for like seven years.  She and all of her friends had beautiful heads of natural hair and convinced me to try again.  SOOOO, I had my last relaxer 12/27/08 and decided to give it another shot.  During that time I did a lot more research on natural hair and I felt better prepared.  I transitioned this time for 8 months and I chopped of the ends on 10/31/09.  This time I loved it!  I didn't go into shell shock. I so loved playing in my hair and playing with my little curls.  
During that time though I went in search of my natural hair twin.  I wanted to find someone with a similar curl pattern so I didn't have to reinvent the wheel when it came to hair maintenance and styling.  I searched youtube and different sites trying to find someone else with hair like mine-super tiny pen spring/ coffee stirrer curls.  I know they exist but I haven't had any luck.  Most bloggers or vloggers I see have a much looser curl.  One time I thought maybe there was something wrong with my curl because I couldn't find anyone like me. 
However today, I am in LOVE with my tiny curls/coils, dare I say I am in a relationship with them.  I have gone through a lot of trial and error and I tried a ton of different products.  I am hoping that my blog can help another tiny curled diva like myself from reinventing the wheel. 
And SUPER CURLY DIVA  was born! 

My Journey Vid!

A blast from the past....Relaxed Days

Transition time.....
Braids-I did two rotations

Twist and roll

Natural ME!
Look at the little curlies!

Bantu knot out

Twist out


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