Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Loose twists

This weekend I decided to see what all the hype was about and I installed some loose twists in my hair.  These were made famous by vlogger Cipriana of Urban Bush Babes.  Loose twists are just two-strand twists but they are done "loosly".  Some naturalistas braid the roots (about an inch down) and then loosly twist the rest.  I took the other approach and tightly twisted my hair at the root and then loosly twisted the rest.  I have to say that I am now a FAN!
The twist only took me about and hour and a half to install and regular twists take about 4 on my BSL hair. My hair looked super full and it was very soft.  I am going to wear them in a bun to maximize it as a protective style.  I will definitely try these again.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cherry Lola Treament

So this past weekend I tried the Cherry Lola Treatment.  I heard that it is supposed to help relax your curl and be a good protein treatment.  After all of my hair stresses I figured a good protein treatment was in order.  So I mixed it up.
The Cherry Lola calls for Liquid Aminos, orgranic plain yogurt, and baking soda.   I was a little skeptical about using the baking soda because I wasn't sure if it was what caused my hair to come out using the MHM but I figured the protein would be help balance the effects.

Product free hair

My hair felt strong which was what I wanted.  I was hoping some of the curl definition stayed from when I had applied the product but I guess you can't have everything you want. :-(

I did however may some really good chunky twists and then I roller set them.  The effect was really cute IMO.

Extra Cash

So I have been trying to find new ways to make money in the new year an ran across Four Corners Alliance Group.  They sell financial literacy books, so I thought that was fairly ironic.  The invest was only $18 to become an affliate and nothing else to pay afterwards so I said why not.  I spend more than that on underwear. LOL

So I will see how it pans out.  If you are interested in learning more about the venture follow the link.

If you are interested in purchasing financial literature to help you get your finances on track follow this link


How to Thrive in the current Economy