Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Loose twists

This weekend I decided to see what all the hype was about and I installed some loose twists in my hair.  These were made famous by vlogger Cipriana of Urban Bush Babes.  Loose twists are just two-strand twists but they are done "loosly".  Some naturalistas braid the roots (about an inch down) and then loosly twist the rest.  I took the other approach and tightly twisted my hair at the root and then loosly twisted the rest.  I have to say that I am now a FAN!
The twist only took me about and hour and a half to install and regular twists take about 4 on my BSL hair. My hair looked super full and it was very soft.  I am going to wear them in a bun to maximize it as a protective style.  I will definitely try these again.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cherry Lola Treament

So this past weekend I tried the Cherry Lola Treatment.  I heard that it is supposed to help relax your curl and be a good protein treatment.  After all of my hair stresses I figured a good protein treatment was in order.  So I mixed it up.
The Cherry Lola calls for Liquid Aminos, orgranic plain yogurt, and baking soda.   I was a little skeptical about using the baking soda because I wasn't sure if it was what caused my hair to come out using the MHM but I figured the protein would be help balance the effects.

Product free hair

My hair felt strong which was what I wanted.  I was hoping some of the curl definition stayed from when I had applied the product but I guess you can't have everything you want. :-(

I did however may some really good chunky twists and then I roller set them.  The effect was really cute IMO.

Extra Cash

So I have been trying to find new ways to make money in the new year an ran across Four Corners Alliance Group.  They sell financial literacy books, so I thought that was fairly ironic.  The invest was only $18 to become an affliate and nothing else to pay afterwards so I said why not.  I spend more than that on underwear. LOL

So I will see how it pans out.  If you are interested in learning more about the venture follow the link.

If you are interested in purchasing financial literature to help you get your finances on track follow this link


How to Thrive in the current Economy

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

MHM No Bueno!

Ok, So I had started to do the MHM Method and was LOVING it.  For those that don't know the MHM stands for Maximum Hydration Method.  See my previous post for information about what it is and how it is done.   Follow the link if you want to know more about it MHM.

Anyway, I had been doing the MHM for about 5 months and I thought everything was going well...
See pics

Product Free Hair - Nice~

Hair with just conditioner:  Curls were poppin!!!

Hair with KCCC- best wash and go ever on my 4b/4c hair

And then one day I got into the shower to wash my hair and I saw huge clumps of my hair going down the drain!!!! I was in shock.   I discovered that I had major breakage and a few bald spots.  Luckily my hair is extremely thick so you can see the spots. I am not sure where the system went wrong for me.  Perhaps it was all the baking soda or the frequent washes but me and my hair were not happy.

So  I am now in protective style mode with braids or twists for three weeks, take down, wash repeat. I am using  Green Magic Growth cream as an aid to help my hair grow back.  I have already noticed some of the spots filling in after a few weeks so thank goodness on that!

I am trying to eat well, drink TONS of water and get plenty of exercise to help get my hair back to optimum health.

So MHM didn't work for me.  I know others have had great success with it and I hope they continue to have great success but I'm out!

Let me know if you have tried it and what you thought about it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

MHM Maximum Hydration Method

So last week I started the Maximum Hydration Method....

What is that you ask...From www.maximumhydration.com:"When it comes to Maximum Hydration (which this regimen is designed to give your hair), think about the effect water has on the hair. When your hair is wet, your hair responds positively to the moisture, getting softer. But because you don't have high enough levels of moisture retention, once your hair dries it feels brittle, rough, frizzy, and dry. This is what "nappy" hair is. This method allows you to understand, manipulate, and control the factors that cause your hair to remain chronically dry.  It allows you to absorb moisture and retain it, changing your hair dramatically. Now imagine what will happen as you build up moisture retention levels within your hair shaft. The water won't just be sitting on your hair anymore, leaving your hair temporarily soft while it's sitting on the closed cuticles, and evaporating and leaving your hair dehydrated. The effect is going to be from the inside of your hair, and more permanent. So even when your hair isn't sopping wet, or has product, it will be able to stay soft and have significantly less frizz while dry. This is maximum hydration."

In order to do this method you have to follow the regimen which looks like this:

Step 1. Bakingsoda/ ACV rinse
Step 2. Deep condition/GHE, may add light oils to scalp. You may use thermal heating cap or steam for an hour before wearing the shower cap to bed

Step 2.(continued) Rinse out DC and detangle in morning.
Step 3. Clay
Step 4. Leave in. Hair should be soaking wet, no matter how you go about doing it.
Step 5. Gel/ Oil to set into style (no glycerin or coconut oil)

You are supposed to do this for 7 days consecutively and then you can taper off to every 2-3 days but NEVER go more than 3.

I will say the first week of implementing this was a challenge because I had to do all of the steps after work and I wasn't use to washing my hair that much.  However, I believe the struggle was worth it.  My hair felt more moisturized every time I completed the regimen.  It was very easy to finger comb and it didn't tangle.

Since I workout a lot I started putting large twists in my hair and will wear them for a day and do a twist out for two days and wash.  My twist out look fab and my hair has even started to curl at the roots when I sweat.

I think I am going to stick with this over the next few months and see what happens.  Here are some early pics.

Day 2- Wash and Go (still frizzy, but best WnG I've had)

Day 3 - Wash and Go ( a little better)

I will take more pics soon!